I kept on wondering how the U.S could have been a victim of the September 11, 2001 attacks in which the World Trade Centre was involved, it was a big tragedy for the whole world but, nevertheless what causes all these and how the U.S government fell to such an attack was unclear to me until I came across this article which I posted below, hope you will fell the same way as I felt the very first time I read it. ======================================= Osama bin Laden: Made in USA by Jared Israel [Written 28 August 1998. Posted 13 September 2001] ======================================= [The following is an excerpt from 'Credible Deception,' a study of the 'N.Y. Times' coverage of the U.S. missile attacks on Afghanistan and a pill factory in Sudan, in August, 1998. The entire text can be read at http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/sudan.html - Jared Israel] Most of us never heard of Osama bin Laden before last August 21st but by saying he was "the preeminent organizer and financier of international terrorism in the world today," President Clinton conjured up images of rage and random mayhem that seemed to justify swift, strong action.We were told the main target of the missile attack was not just bin Laden, but: "...terrorist facilities and infrastructure in Afghanistan. Our forces targeted one of the most active terrorist bases in the world...a training camp for literally thousands of terrorists from around the globe." (NY Times, 8/21/98, p. a12. ) This theme - that there is a terrorist organization which links the terrorist base in Afghanistan with a terrorist factory in Sudan - is repeated throughout the August 21st NY Times. The Afghan "terrorist base" is of course Clinton's strong suit. A "terrorist base" is a place where terrorists prepare for war; a "terrorist base" is fair game. Factories, on the other hand, are a problem. Americans are squeamish about bombing factories and burning the skin off the workers' backs. The trick is: link the base to the factory. Here's the argument: terrorists, financed by the rich Osama bin Laden, mastermind of the Embassy bombings, built a complex of terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. The U.S., arch-enemy of terror, rolled up its sleeves and destroyed these training camps and a bin Laden-owned factory in Sudan as well. The U.S. has thereby sent a message to terrorists around the globe. They can read our missiles. They will be hunted down and destroyed without mercy. The U.S. is on the job. But wait. What if the training camps were falsely portrayed? What if they had been built by the U.S. government? What if bin Laden and his associates were in fact old CIA hands? It would be a bit awkward, wouldn't it? If this was true, and if the Times knew it was true on August 21st, wouldn't the Times' failure to print this information on page one constitute a profound betrayal of trust? BUT THAT WAS THEN, THIS IS NOW... The complex the U.S. attacked on August 20th is located near the Pakistani border:''The camps, hidden in the steep mountains and mile-deep valleys of Paktia province, were the place where all seven ranking Afghan resistance leaders maintained underground headquarters and clandestine weapons stocks during their bitter and ultimately successful war against Soviet troops from Dec. 1979 to February 1989, according to American intelligence veterans…The Afghan resistance was backed by the intelligence services of the United States and Saudi Arabia...[and this camp represents] ‘the last word in NATO engineering techniques.’" (NY Times, 8/24/98, p.A1 & A7. )And the "resistance fighters" whom the U.S. backed in the Afghan war during the 80s? "Some of the same warriors who fought the Soviets with the CIA’s help are now fighting under Mr. bin Laden’s banner." (ibid., p.A1)So. These people, whom the U.S. government calls the worst terrorists in the world, were set up in the business by the U.S. government. And the Times knew this on August 21st when it devoted many articles to covering the missile attacks. The Times management chose to withhold this critical information from the public. The August 24th article quoted above unwittingly betrays the method by which the U.S. government's sponsorship of bin Laden is justified. When the U.S. openly supported bin Laden and friends, they were give a label ("resistance fighters") so they were ok. Now they have been given a new label ("terrorists") and thus they are transformed. The U.S. government is absolved of guilt because the people it supported in the past weren't these terrorists it is bombing today, they were those resistance fighters. Amazing.
Will bin Laden have his label changed back to "resistance fighter" when the U.S. government once more requires his services? This may sound preposterous. But consider that the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) has made just such a transformation - in fact the KLA people have not just gone from terrorists to freedom fighters, they have gone from terrorists/drug dealers all the way up to Nation Builders. And incidentally, it is widely reported that Islamic Fundamentalist terrorists have helped train and fought with the KLA. These KLA-helpers apparently include Osama bin Laden's associates. So perhaps bin Laden has been rehabilitated and re-transformed (!) already. [See footnote A] IT'S THE MONEY, STUPID But is emperors-clothes.com being fair? Was the U.S. government in actual partnership with bin Laden and other "resistance fighters" during the Afghan war? Or was it just giving these guys a little support against a common (Russian) foe?Since the U.S. side of the relationship with bin Laden and friends was handled by CIA, much of what took place is unknown. But we do know about one very important thing: money. How much money do you think the US and Saudi Arabia gave the "resistance fighters?" I asked several people this question. One guessed "a few hundred thousand dollars." Another thought this was way to low. She guessed "$10-15 million." The highest guess: $20 million. The correct answer is: More than 6 billion dollars. (ibid.) That's in 1980s money. And that’s just what they admit publicly. Remember, the paymasters were the CIA and Saudi Arabian Intelligence, so the real figure could be twice as high, or higher. The sky's the limit... MS. ALBRIGHT REFLECTS ON TERROR Speaking in Kenya on Aug. 18, 1998, Madeline Albright said:'"Mr. bin Laden’s activities are inimical to those of [sic!] civilized people in the world and in the U.S. And whatever the connection to this, [the Embassy bombings,] I have said previously that his funding of terrorism is something the world is quite aware of.'" (Times, 8/19, P.A4. Our italics; her mangled sentence.)The Times reports that Bin Laden has 250 million dollars and has used SOME of it to build a terrorist network. (In other words, he still has the 250 million bucks, according to the Times.) Meanwhile the Times reports that the U.S. SPENT more than 6 billion dollars to support terrorism - and that’s just in Afghanistan. In other words, the US no longer has the 6 billion bucks. And how many billions have been funneled to similar resistance fighters in other lands? Such as the Kosovo Liberation (?) Army, or KLA? Consider again Ms. Albright's statement: "[These]activities are inimical to those of [sic!] civilized people in the world." Don’t Albright's words fly back and accuse her? Isn’t it the governments of the United States and Saudi Arabia who did something "inimical to civilized people" by "funding terrorism" on a vast scale in Afghanistan? Hasn't this funding resulted in a true catastrophe? Haven't our terrorists turned Afghanistan into a house of horrors? Who is the greater terrorist? The person who pulls the trigger? Or the superpower that recruits him, pays him, trains him, arms him to the teeth and builds him the finest state-of-the-art training camp with room for "terrorists from all over the world?" If a worldwide terrorist organization has been created by the people whom the U.S. and Saudi Arabia paid during the Afghan war, aren't the U.S. and Saudi paymasters responsible? And isn't the U.S. government's claim that it has discovered the existence of a terrorist organization disingenuous? After all, wasn't the purpose of spending (over) $6 billion the creation of precisely such an organization? Wasn't that what they paid for? The U.S. government says it had a good reason for bankrolling the Islamic Fundamentalist terrorists in Afghanistan: namely, to stop the Russians. Shouldn't we ask: to stop them from doing what? The government in Afghanistan was pro-Russian before the Russians sent in troops and it stayed pro-Russian after the Russians sent in troops. Why did the U.S. have to get involved? Were the Russians going to use Afghanistan as a base for invading China? India? Iran? Pakistan? Sure they were, and I'm Teddy Roosevelt. You can be Mae West, but only if you're good. What relevance is the U.S. government claim that it had "good reasons" for lavishly bankrolling the Afghan terrorists? Good enough for what? For destroying the lives of most Afghans? And in any case, don't all terrorists claim they slaughter people for good (by their standards) reasons? Did you ever hear a terrorist boast that he burned people to death for a bad reason? The U.S. did not intervene in Afghanistan because the Russian presence was changing the international balance of power. Rather, using the Russian presence as a pretext, the U.S. intervened because this was a chance to change the international balance of power. In the process, our government destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Afghans and created an international force of Islamic Fundamentalist terrorists who wreck havoc from Bosnia to New York - and who continue to plague the Russian people, most recently in Dagestan. WHO IS BIN LADEN, ACTUALLY? According to the Times, bin Laden et al were CIA employees, given the best training, arms, facilities, and lots of cash for many years. That's what the Times reported on August 24, 1998. In other articles during the same period, the Times reported that bin Laden is a deadly enemy of the U.S. The Times skips over this amazing change lightly in a couple of articles, commenting that the relationship changed, without asking too many questions. In other words, once again, the government line is accepted as self evident. Should we believe that the transformation from employee to enemy has really taken place? Is bin Laden an enemy in fact, or is he, like so much else that comes out of the White House, an enemy in fiction? Remember that during the 80s our leaders swore bin Laden and friends were good guys: "resistance fighters." Wasn't that a lie? If the government was lying about them then, why couldn't it be lying about them now? Let's do a little imagining. Let's imagine that bin Laden et al are still CIA employees. Could it be that the missile attack was not intended to destroy bin Laden or his supporters? Could it be the attack was intended to build respect for bin Laden among Muslims who oppose the U.S. government? To lend him credibility as a serious opponent of U.S. domination? Is his new job to siphon Arab anger into regressive Fundamentalist movements and thereby destabilize secular Muslim societies which might resist U.S. control? After all, Islamic Fundamentalists have proven themselves the most effective enemies of independent-minded governments. This is precisely why the U.S. created an Islamic Fundamentalist proxy army in Afghanistan in the first place. And there is evidence the CIA is doing the same thing today in Algeria - covertly supporting a jihad (Islamic holy war) aimed at disrupting a secular Muslim society not under U.S. control. And/or is bin Laden's new assignment perhaps to be a bogey-man of convenience whom the U.S. government can link to any government it wishes to bomb? Does this sound crazy? Maybe it does at that, but is it any crazier than the admitted fact that the U.S. gave these vicious terrorists more than $6 billion in the first place? Could it be that the lunatics are indeed in control of the asylum? Six BILLION dollars in 1980s money. How much is that in today's money? Ten billion? Just think. Instead of turning Afghanistan into a living hell they could have cured cancer. More>>> ****Please note that to keep up to date of the events more posts will be dealing with this same issue, thanks. Further Reading: Note: These articles were written two to four years after the above text. A) 'Bin Laden in the Balkans' Mainstream news accounts of bin Laden's involvement in CIA-linked terrorist organizations helping NATO attack Yugoslavia and Macedonia years after he supposedly broke with the CIA. [Posted 3 October 2001] http://emperors-clothes.com/news/binl.htm 1) Rick Rozoff takes a critical look at Washington's response to Tuesday's tragedies in 'Bush's Press Conference: Into the Abyss' at http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/rozoff/abyss.htm 2) While Washington points to Osama bin Laden as "suspect # 1" in yesterday's horrific violence, the truth is not being told to the American people: 'Washington Created Osama bin Laden' by Jared Israel can be read at http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/sudan.html#w 3) If one looks carefully, one can find in the Western media evidence that bin Laden has been involved - on the U.S.-backed side - in Kosovo, Bosnia and now Macedonia. 4) Bin Laden was propelled into power as part of the U.S. drive to create an Islamist terrorist movement to crush the former Soviet Union. See, the truly amazing account from the 'Washington Post,' 'Washington's Backing of Afghan Terrorists: Deliberate Policy.' at http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/anatomy.htm 5) Head of Russian Navy says official scenario couldn't have happened. See 'Russian Navy Chief Says Official 9-11 Story Impossible' at http://emperors-clothes.com/news/navy.htm 6) Emperor's Clothes has interviewed Rudi Dekkers from the Huffman Aviation facility, at which two of the hijack suspects were students a year ago. Though Mr. Dekkers' told the interviewer he had received many calls, the media has not published his comments. The interview was taped and the text on Emperor's Clothes is a verbatim transcript, including the grammatical errors common in daily speech. See "Interview With Huffman Aviation Casts Doubt on Official Story" at http://emperors-clothes.com/interviews/dekkers.htm |
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Sunday, September 11, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
In its determined effort to sustain the gains of the April 2011 General Elections adjudged by both domestic and international observers as the freest, fairest and most credible in Nigeria’s electoral history and recognizing the need to carry along all its staff in discharging its responsibilities and obligations as an Electoral Management Body; conscious of the value of periodic institutional evaluations of programmes as important components in building strong and responsive institutions; ready to learn from and share the wealth of institutional experience its staff have accumulated over years of managing the electoral system; and desirous of learning from best practices and addressing past errors, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), in collaboration with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), organized a retreat for its Electoral Officers from the six geo-political zones in Merit House, Abuja between 11th and 14th July, 2011.
In its determined effort to sustain the gains of the April 2011 General Elections adjudged by both domestic and international observers as the freest, fairest and most credible in Nigeria’s electoral history and recognizing the need to carry along all its staff in discharging its responsibilities and obligations as an Electoral Management Body; conscious of the value of periodic institutional evaluations of programmes as important components in building strong and responsive institutions; ready to learn from and share the wealth of institutional experience its staff have accumulated over years of managing the electoral system; and desirous of learning from best practices and addressing past errors, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), in collaboration with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), organized a retreat for its Electoral Officers from the six geo-political zones in Merit House, Abuja between 11th and 14th July, 2011.
The retreat’s main objective was to critically evaluate and assess the January, 2011 Voter Registration Exercise and the April, 2011 General Elections as part of the overall programme of the Commission to build a professional, world-class Electoral Management Body and to further deepen the gains that have been recorded so far. More specifically, the retreat extensively deliberated on the electoral process and its institutional basis, focusing on issues such as: identification and verification of polling units; voter registration, including the consolidation/printing of voters’ register and display of the register for claims and objections; party primaries and the and the nomination of candidates; political campaigns, including campaign financing; issues related to election or polling day, including counting, collation, announcement and transmission of results; issues related to the postponement of elections; legal and procedural frameworks for electoral activities, voter education and public enlightenment; issues related to the security of elections, election materials and personnel; issues related to elections observation; issues relating to the identification, recruitment and training of ad-hoc staff; as well as logistic and operational issues, including communications, transportation of electoral materials, and the coordination and planning of field operations among others.
After extensive deliberations, the retreat observed as follows:
1. That the verification of polling units (PUs) conducted just before the registration and elections was a significant and welcome development, for it provided the Commission with first-hand knowledge of the location of PUs thus enabling the Commission to plan, procure, recruit, train, deploy and maintain materials and personnel in, and, for known locations. This has helped not only prevent the diversion of electoral materials and leakages, it also made possible quick interventions to address challenges during both the registration and elections. Similarly, the decision to peg PUs to a maximum of 300 voters is a welcome development. However, new demographic and economic changes in both urban and rural areas have posed new challenges to the existing structure of PUs.
2. That the voter registration exercise for the first time gave the country the most comprehensive and credible Voters’ Roll in its electoral history; it also created a huge biometric database essential for planning purposes not only for the Commission, but also for other institutions and bodies. The consolidation and printing of the voters’ register facilitated effective identification of voters that helped substantially eliminate practices such as multiple registration. Finally, the display of voters’ register enhanced the credibility of the national voters’ roll, as well as created room for detecting fictitious or double registration. It also facilitated the admittance of missing names on the register.
3. That the identification, recruitment and training of ad-hoc staff have been well planned and handled. In particular, the recruitment of National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members as ah-hoc staff for both the registration and elections was an excellent move, for it has added value and credibility to the electoral process.
4. That the monitoring of party primaries and nomination of candidates is an essential aspect of the Commissions’ contribution towards deepening internal democracy in political parties and building confidence in the electoral process.
5. That the plans and programmes put in place for election or polling day were a testimony to the extensive preparations by the Commission for the April, 2011 General Elections. The retreat commended plans put in place for the counting, collation, announcement and transmission of results, and observed that such plans conferred an additional mark of credibility on, and, acceptability for the April 2011 General Elections. While not a few were disappointed by the postponement of the April 2nd National Assembly Elections, the plans put in place subsequently vindicated the Commission’s sound judgment.
6. The retreat noted that the legal and procedural frameworks (the Constitution and the Electoral Act 2010 (as Amended) in place have enabled the Commission to discharge its obligations and responsibilities without much constraint. These instruments have given the Commission wide-ranging powers to manage the electoral process although challenges in the area of monitoring party primaries and campaign financing still remain.
7. That voter education and public enlightenment on elections and the electoral process is a key element in any effort towards the deepening of democracy. Both are essential in creating an active civic consciousness and a participatory citizenry. The retreat observed that though the Commission pursued voter education and public enlightenment vigorously, there is room for improvement in voter education.
8. The retreat lauded the establishment of the Inter-agency Consultative Committee on Election Security (ICCES), a development which significantly improved the security of the April 2011 General Elections. It commended the role of security agencies in striving to create a different disposition from previous practice in managing election security. However, security agents involved in election duties still required specialized training in tune with civic duties and responsibilities during elections.
9. It also noted that the role and participation of stakeholders such as civil society organisations, political parties, development partners and donor agencies was very helpful to electoral administration and information management. The retreat commended INEC for providing uniform guidelines for both domestic and foreign observers.
Having made the foregoing observations and being committed to the continual improvement of the electoral process in Nigeria as well as to the transformation of INEC into one of best Electoral Management Bodies in the world, the retreat made the following recommendations:
1. The decision to peg PUs to a maximum of 300 voters should be retained. The possibility of constructing permanent structures for PUs should seriously be considered. Similarly, all PUs that are named after individuals or non-neutral places/buildings or structures should be re-named and re-located to bear neutral names and locations. Congested PUs in single locations should be decentralized. INEC should also re-design the Polling Units Directory to indicate locations and maps of PUs. Finally, there is a need for new PUs given the changing demographic composition of urban and rural areas across the country.
2. Efforts should be made to ensure timely procurement of registration materials before the commencement of such exercises. Registration personnel should be adequately trained. The Commission should also ensure that plans for continuous voter registration, preferably at the Ward level are put in place as soon as possible. The period set aside for display of the preliminary voters’ register should be extended to at least four weeks and the display exercise should be widely publicized. There should be uniformity in the conduct of the exercise while Automatic Finger Identification System (AFIS) should be run at the end of the exercise. Similarly, the plans for the storage and maintenance of the voter registration equipment should be vigorously implemented.
3. The remaining challenges in the recruitment and training of ad-hoc staff should be further looked into. The Commission should explore the use of other credible personnel from the Federal Civil Service and Federal tertiary institutions as ad hoc staff in addition to NYSC. In terms of recruitment, adequate time should be given for the placement of advert(s). Training for regular staff should be continuous, while adequate time should be given for the training of ad-hoc staff. Similarly, in-depth training should be continuously planned for security personnel on election duties.
4. The Commission should be more seriously involved in the monitoring of party primaries and should invoke all relevant powers given it by law. For instance, it should insist on adequate notice and clearly identifiable venues for the primaries from political parties.
5. The Commission should in the future look more closely into the timing of elections taking note of seasonal variations in the economic activities of our people. The transmission of results should be done at all levels of the result chain i.e. from PUs through to the National Collation Centre electronically.
6. The legal and procedural frameworks for the management of the electoral system should be re-examined to identify areas where the Commission’ powers could be strengthened, such as in the monitoring of political parties, political campaigns and campaign financing. Similarly, there is a need to have enabling legal provisions that will provide Nigerians in the Diaspora an opportunity to participate in the electoral process. The Commission should also be firm in prosecuting electoral offenders in order to seriously address and tackle the culture of impunity.
7. Voter education should not only be vigorously pursued, it should also be a continuous process at all levels. Local Government Offices of INEC should be more involved in voter education and public enlightenment. Similarly, the capacity of relevant departments in charge of voter education and public enlightenment at all levels of the Commission should strengthened and supported to discharge their responsibilities.
8. Security should be beefed up for electoral personnel during electoral activities; separate vehicular facilities should be provided for security personnel to forestall their having to insist on using vehicles meant for the conveyance of other electoral personnel and materials during elections. Intensive and continuous training should also be provided security personnel involved in electoral duties since election security is specialized and slightly different from normal security considerations.
9. The Commission should sustain its practice of providing uniform guidelines for domestic and foreign observers and print observer reports into booklets for use as reference materials for its field officers to enable corrections or avoidance of mistakes in the future. Lists of accredited observers should be sent to the state offices well ahead of elections to forestall interference from unauthorised ‘observers’ or of observers operating in areas where they have not secured approval to operate.
In general, retreat participants thanked the Commission for the opportunity to voice their opinions and share their experiences with the Commission and their colleagues from all parts of the country. The retreat appealed to INEC to critically assess and adopt these observations and recommendations for they hold a lot of promise for meeting the aspirations of Nigerians for freer, fairer and more credible future elections. More>>>
In general, retreat participants thanked the Commission for the opportunity to voice their opinions and share their experiences with the Commission and their colleagues from all parts of the country. The retreat appealed to INEC to critically assess and adopt these observations and recommendations for they hold a lot of promise for meeting the aspirations of Nigerians for freer, fairer and more credible future elections. More>>>
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The history of Titanic has enthralled the world quite unlike any other shipwreck known to man. A number of books, articles and movies have been made detailed the tragedy of the RMS Titanic. Both the 1950's version of the Titanic's sinking, "A Night to Remember' and the more recent film have been very popular. James Cameron's 1997 box office hit"Titanic" was so popular with viewers that it succeeded in breaking a number of box office sales records. The public seems incapable of forgetting the tragic history of the Titanic. Numerous myths and legends have developed over the years since the ship sank on April 15, 1912. Some of the myths are true, and others have simply been derived from the imagination of the numerous people who have become somewhat obsessed with the history of Titanic. In part, some of the tales regarding Titanic history can be contributed to the tales spun by the 705 survivors. It has been speculated that more than one of the survivors 'embellished' their personal story. The 'unsinkable' Molly Brown is just one of the surviving passengers who are suspected of having added more than a little flair to their tale.
When the names of the numerous famous first class passengers who were lost were revealed, the world was astounded that so many notable figures could perish in a single day. Conversely, immigrants who survived the sinking of the ship are now known worldwide for their part in the tragic history of Titanic. Poor and confined to the steerage of the ship, these individuals were only seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Instead however they earned an immortal place in Titanic history.
Titanic history buffs are quite staunch in their dedication to preserving the truth regarding the history of the ship Titanic. When 'Titanic' was released in December of 1997 moviegoers flocked to the theaters to see the beauty and the tragedy of the fateful ship revealed on the big screen. A number of individuals who consider themselves experts on the history of Titanic were less than impressed with the number of errors contained within the film. Despite James Cameron's dedication to filming the most accurate version of the Titanic accident history possible, the movie never the less contained mistakes. Some of these mistakes had to be included in the movie to insure the viewer's suspense and enjoyment in the film. Others however were simply matters that had been overlooked during the making of the movie.
The history of Titanic continues to be one of the most popular topics in the world. An insatiable thirst for information about the Titanic prompted researchers to search for the exact location of the wreckage site for a number of years. When the Titanic's wreckage was finally discovered in 1985, the world got its first look at the ship in more than sixty years. The tragic sinking of the Titanic and history of both those who survived and were lost, will forever be remembered with nostalgia and sadness.

Passengers boarding the Titanic
As the passengers boarded the gangplank at Southampton, England for a trans-Atlantic crossing they were no doubt pleased to be a part of the maiden voyage of the invincible Titanic ship. Little did they know, however; that in just a few short days their names and the Titanic would be forever immortalized.
The Titanic ship disaster began, ironically enough as the ship was heading out to sea. The ship's builders had spared no expense in assuring that the Titanic would not only be the safest ship on the waters, but also the largest. This fact proved to be disastrous from the beginning. The larger ship managed to suck a much smaller vessel, the New York, into her wake as she began plowing through the waters with her massive propellers. The two ships came very close to colliding. This near miss may have set a few nerves on edge, but it was nothing compared to what would come later.
Despite the close call, the first few days of the ship's voyage in no way indicated the tragic history of Titanic ship. Information of Titanic records indicate the ship made two ports of call, both with no incident. After the stop in Queenstown, Ireland to take on more passengers, the RMS Titanic set sail once again, headed for her destination in New York.
For four days the ship's elite passengers reveled in the brand new amenities of the Titanic ship, replete with every modern luxury known at the time. During the early part of the 20th century, it was considered quite sophisticated for wealthy families to spend portions of their time in Europe, which necessitated crossing the Atlantic at least once per year. Even to these jaded travelers, however, the Titanic ship was like no other. Nothing had been spared to insure the comfort of the first class guests. The ship was even equipped with only 20 lifeboats, so that precious deck space for the first class passengers would not be taken up by bulky lifeboats.
Down below, however, it was a different story. While the luxury liner teemed with a significant number of first class passengers, hundreds of second class and third class passengers survived the first few days of the voyage in cramped compartments. Most of these individuals were immigrant families who had scraped together every bit of money they had to travel to America aboard the grandest, and supposedly, safest ship ever built.
When the Titanic ship disaster finally reached its pinnacle on April 14th, each and every passenger on board; wealthy and poor alike; were forced to fight for their very survival. In the end only 705 persons survived the sinking of the ship, out of 2,228 passengers and crew members. 1,523 lives were lost when the Titanic ship beneath the ice cold waters of the Atlantic. More >>>
The ship was considered to have been so well constructed it was believed she could sustain any amount of damage and still remain afloat. Late on the night of April 14, 1912, the sinking of the Titanic proved this idea wrong in a horribly tragic way.
In 1912 the sinking of the Titanic began late on the night of April 14th. Information on the sinking Titanic indicates that the ship approached a massive iceberg, and although efforts were made to steer clear of the large frozen mass, all efforts were to no avail. Sadly, further records of the Titanic accident history indicate that the Titanic disaster may very well have been able to have been completely avoided had officers on ship paid heed to reports received earlier regarding the frozen waters they were approaching.
Even though crew members were desperately trying to turn the ship in the other direction, when the ship collided with the berg a massive rip was torn parallel across the ship's bulk. The Titanic sinking began almost immediately, as the ship began to take on water.
Surprisingly, many of the passengers remained unaware of this fact. Some passengers reported hearing and feeling a strange quivering in the ship; however, they did not attribute this to any potential problem and went on about their business.
Others had seen the iceberg has it passed their window and hurriedly donned dressing gowns and robes, anxious to discover whether or not they had truly hit the berg. At first, passengers were assured that there would only be a slight delay and were given no indication of the true severity of the situation.
Passengers located at strategic points in the ship already knew the devastating truth however: the Titanic was sinking and sinking fast. An SOS was sent out to neighboring ships. The Carpathia picked up the ship's distress call and radioed back to let the ship's crew know they were on their way. It would be too late, however. By the time the Carpathia arrived, all that remained of the Titanic was a handful of lifeboats filled with shocked survivors.
Since the ship sank to her watery grave, almost one hundred years ago, a number of theories have been put forth to explain how in the year of 1912 the sinking of the Titanic could have occurred. Some theories suggest that had the ship's crew not attempted to turn the ship in the opposite direction of the iceberg and instead took the blow head-on, the collision would not have resulted in such catastrophic disaster.
Where did the Titanic sink? The Titanic sank somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, south of Newfoundland, Canada. Here's a map with the exact location of the Titanic's resting place. Use the + and - buttons to zoom, the arrows to move.
Consequently, neighboring ships in the area had reported earlier in the evening that the waters ahead contained numerous masses of solid ice and that approaching ships should proceed with caution. The Titanic, however, thought to be unsinkable, plowed full speed ahead. This proved to be a fatal mistake and is certainly one of the factors that led to the disaster. More>>>

Captain E. Smith
Molly BrownFamous passengers on the Titanic included Molly Brown, wife of a Colorado silver mine entrepreneur, and John Jacob Astor. Molly Brown became famous in her own right for being the only woman to have rowed a lifeboat to safety.
Titanic survivor stories have given the world a wealth of information regarding what actually happened during the fateful last minutes of the ill fated luxury liner and the people in the Titanic. Diaries of the Titanic passengers have revealed the sinking of the infamous ship was a story rich in tragedy, triumph and despair,
sacrifice and selfishness.

Mr. and Mrs. StrausOne of the most touching stories regarding the passengers on the Titanic is the tale of an elderly wealthy couple, the Straus'. When it became apparent that no male passengers on the Titanic could be allowed to board the limited lifeboats, Mrs. Straus chose to stay by the side of her husband; even though it meant certain death. The couple perished with the ship.
While the world is often taken with the stories of the famous passengers on the Titanic, there were also hundreds of second and third class passengers who also perished with the ship. These poor souls were at an unfortunate advantage due to the fact that ship did not
carry enough lifeboats for all the people in the Titanic!

Robert C. ChisholmCrew members and designers who had worked on the Titanic since the idea of the ship was first conceived were also among the many souls who perished when the ship sank. Several members of the ship design team numbered among the passengers on the Titanic, including the Chief Draughtsman responsible for the design of the lifeboats. While Robert C. Chisholm and Titanic designers boarded the ship for her maiden voyage for the specific purpose of being on hand to monitor any problems that might arise during ship's first crossing of the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately, they were unable to save the ship when she crashed into an iceberg and subsequently began to take on huge volumes of water.
How many people survived the Titanic is one of the most frequently asked questions regarding the history of this legendary ship. Of the 2,228 passengers and crew members who set sail, only 705 Titanic passengers survived.
The first live Titanic pictures were taken on September 1, 1985, the day the wreckage of the ship was finally discovered. For the next several months numerous sketches of the Titanic ship were developed based on the initial Titanic wreck photos taken that day.

Titanic pictures have put an end to the question 'what did the Titanic look like after all this years on the bottom of the ocean'. Authentic photographs of the ship's wreckage, submerged almost three miles below water, have enabled the world to finally envision the infamous ship both before and after the tragedy.
The Titanic pictures have also put an end to numerous other questions regarding the tragic sinking. Immediately following the tragedy, a number of survivors reported that just before sinking below the water, the ship broke into two sections. This theory had been hotly debated for a number of years. Also in question was exactly what had occurred to sink the 'unsinkable' Titanic. While there was no doubt regarding the collision with a gigantic iceberg, many wondered how even such an impact could have caused enough damage to result in the rapid sinking of the huge ocean liner.
1986 photographs of Titanic ship revealed that, in all probability, the ship had not sustained one long gash upon impact with the iceberg, as many people has insisted upon for years. Instead, it was much more likely that the ship had sustained several, much smaller, wounds when the iceberg scraped the hull of the ship. Theories now indicate that the rivets intended to hold the hull plates together were unable to withstand the impact and popped upon contact. As a result, the plates buckled and separated. The ship immediately began to take on water and less than three hours later, sank to her final destination on the ocean floor.
Thousands of underwater pictures were taken during the 1986 Titanic expedition. In later trips to the deep, artifacts would be recovered from the wreckage of the Titanic. In total, more than 5,000 pieces would be recovered from the wreckage site. Today, the wreckage of the Titanic is considered by many to be a memorial to the lives of the 1,522 people who died when the ship sank on an early spring morning in 1912.
Today, the world no longer has to wonder what the Titanic looked like. Titanic pictures in 1912 reveal a world class luxury liner, filled with passengers excited to be journeying on the ship's maiden voyage. The final image of the Titanic became complete when Titanic underwater pictures were published sixty years later. More>>>
James Cameron's Titanic movie (released in December 1997) took the world by storm, much as the original ship earned the world's awe before her untimely demise.
How many oscars did the Titanic movie win? The Titanic earned its place as the most nominated movie in film history. In total, the film was nominated for a whopping 14 Oscars and managed to bring home 11 of the coveted awards. No other film in history had won that many awards.
Movie goers around the world were so taken by the movie's main characters, Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater, that the Titanic earned Oscar nominations for Best Actress and Best Picture. Surprisingly, there was no Oscar nomination for Leonardo DiCaprio, who played the role of the ill fated Jack Dawson. While the movie went on to snag the Oscar for Best Picture, along with a host of others, Kate Winslet failed to take home the Oscar for her portrayal of Rose.
The Titanic's sound effects contributed to much of the film's success and were responsible for two of the Oscar nominations and wins: Sound and Sound Effects Editing. The Titanic movie also won awards for Original dramatic score and Original song.
"Were Rose and Jack Dawson real passengers on the Titanic?" is a question I get a lot from readers. I hate to disappoint you, but there was no one aboard the ship with the same names as the movie's leading characters. However, a number of real characters were portrayed in the movie, including:
The main (fictional) story is of course the love story between Jack and Rose, two passengers from entirely different social classes.

Jack Dawson

Rose DawsonRose is pushed into a marriage by her mother for financial reasons. Rose is not happy with that and attempts to commit suicide. Jack saves her and there the romance and stories begin...
Of course Cal forbids Rose to see Jack, but of course she doesn't listen and falls in love. The romance goes on until the Titanic collides with the iceberg. They want to warn Cal and Rose's mother, but Jack gets framed by Cal and is imprisoned. While the Titanic is sinking, Rose helps Jack to escape and they return to the top deck.
Cal manages to persuade Rose to get in a lifeboat for a short while until she realizes she can't leave Jack. She leaves the lifeboat and meets Jack in the first-class stairway. Jack and Rose are being chased by Cal, who has a gun. Cal runs out of ammunition and manages to board a lifeboat.
Jack and Rose take refuge on the vertical stern, but eventually they are washed into the freezing Atlantic Ocean. They manage to grab a floating door, which unfortunately has only space for one person. Jack dies from the cold in Rose's arms. Rose is picked up by the RMS Carpathia, where she names herself Rose Dawson. There she sees Cal for the last time, looking for her.

Rose wearing the Heart of the OceanOne of the major conflicts in the film centers around the location of an expensive diamond necklace, referred to as the 'Heart of the Ocean'. In the Titanic movie, the gorgeous jewel was presented to Rose by her fiance. The necklace had never been recovered and one of the last scenes in the movie reveals a much older Rose (the older Rose is played by Gloria Stuart), returning the necklace of the depths of the ocean.
In reality, while such a necklace did actually once exist, its location has remained a mystery since the one time owner of the necklace, King Louis XVI, died. There are no reports to indicate that the original Heart of the Ocean necklace wound up on board the Titanic.
The 1997 box office smash hit, while extremely popular, was not the only movie to have been made about the tragic sinking of the ship that had been labeled 'unsinkable.' In 1959, 'A Night to Remember' was released. The rights to this film were purchased by James Cameron, director of the Titanic movie, in order that he could use details of the older movie without fear of copyright problems.
The Titanic theme song, called "My Heart Will Go On" is written in secret because James Cameron didn't want vocals in the music. James Horner persuaded Celine Dion to sing and presented the song to James Cameron when he was in a good mood. After hearing it a couple of times, James gave his approval. The song won the Academy Award for Best Original Song. More>>>
When the names of the numerous famous first class passengers who were lost were revealed, the world was astounded that so many notable figures could perish in a single day. Conversely, immigrants who survived the sinking of the ship are now known worldwide for their part in the tragic history of Titanic. Poor and confined to the steerage of the ship, these individuals were only seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Instead however they earned an immortal place in Titanic history.
Titanic history buffs are quite staunch in their dedication to preserving the truth regarding the history of the ship Titanic. When 'Titanic' was released in December of 1997 moviegoers flocked to the theaters to see the beauty and the tragedy of the fateful ship revealed on the big screen. A number of individuals who consider themselves experts on the history of Titanic were less than impressed with the number of errors contained within the film. Despite James Cameron's dedication to filming the most accurate version of the Titanic accident history possible, the movie never the less contained mistakes. Some of these mistakes had to be included in the movie to insure the viewer's suspense and enjoyment in the film. Others however were simply matters that had been overlooked during the making of the movie.
The history of Titanic continues to be one of the most popular topics in the world. An insatiable thirst for information about the Titanic prompted researchers to search for the exact location of the wreckage site for a number of years. When the Titanic's wreckage was finally discovered in 1985, the world got its first look at the ship in more than sixty years. The tragic sinking of the Titanic and history of both those who survived and were lost, will forever be remembered with nostalgia and sadness.
No other ship has captured the world's attention, quite like the Titanic ship. Constructed to be unsinkable, this first class ocean liner set sail on April 10, 1912. The world had awaited the maiden voyage of this luxury liner for months. The White Star Line had taken great care to publicize the fantastic engineering of the Titanic and the world waited with baited breath for the ship to make her first voyage. More
Passengers boarding the Titanic
The Titanic ship disaster began, ironically enough as the ship was heading out to sea. The ship's builders had spared no expense in assuring that the Titanic would not only be the safest ship on the waters, but also the largest. This fact proved to be disastrous from the beginning. The larger ship managed to suck a much smaller vessel, the New York, into her wake as she began plowing through the waters with her massive propellers. The two ships came very close to colliding. This near miss may have set a few nerves on edge, but it was nothing compared to what would come later.
Despite the close call, the first few days of the ship's voyage in no way indicated the tragic history of Titanic ship. Information of Titanic records indicate the ship made two ports of call, both with no incident. After the stop in Queenstown, Ireland to take on more passengers, the RMS Titanic set sail once again, headed for her destination in New York.
For four days the ship's elite passengers reveled in the brand new amenities of the Titanic ship, replete with every modern luxury known at the time. During the early part of the 20th century, it was considered quite sophisticated for wealthy families to spend portions of their time in Europe, which necessitated crossing the Atlantic at least once per year. Even to these jaded travelers, however, the Titanic ship was like no other. Nothing had been spared to insure the comfort of the first class guests. The ship was even equipped with only 20 lifeboats, so that precious deck space for the first class passengers would not be taken up by bulky lifeboats.
Down below, however, it was a different story. While the luxury liner teemed with a significant number of first class passengers, hundreds of second class and third class passengers survived the first few days of the voyage in cramped compartments. Most of these individuals were immigrant families who had scraped together every bit of money they had to travel to America aboard the grandest, and supposedly, safest ship ever built.
When the Titanic ship disaster finally reached its pinnacle on April 14th, each and every passenger on board; wealthy and poor alike; were forced to fight for their very survival. In the end only 705 persons survived the sinking of the ship, out of 2,228 passengers and crew members. 1,523 lives were lost when the Titanic ship beneath the ice cold waters of the Atlantic. More >>>
On the morning of April 15, 1912, the sinking of the Titanic the previous night shocked the world. The year had dawned bright with promise and the maiden voyage of the Titanic was a symbol of the advances mankind had made in the last few years.
The causes of Titanic to sink have been the subject of much study and debate. Obviously, the instigating factor was the collision with the iceberg; however the question of 'how did it sink' is frequently the center of most questions regarding the Titanic.
Even though crew members were desperately trying to turn the ship in the other direction, when the ship collided with the berg a massive rip was torn parallel across the ship's bulk. The Titanic sinking began almost immediately, as the ship began to take on water.
Surprisingly, many of the passengers remained unaware of this fact. Some passengers reported hearing and feeling a strange quivering in the ship; however, they did not attribute this to any potential problem and went on about their business.
Others had seen the iceberg has it passed their window and hurriedly donned dressing gowns and robes, anxious to discover whether or not they had truly hit the berg. At first, passengers were assured that there would only be a slight delay and were given no indication of the true severity of the situation.
Passengers located at strategic points in the ship already knew the devastating truth however: the Titanic was sinking and sinking fast. An SOS was sent out to neighboring ships. The Carpathia picked up the ship's distress call and radioed back to let the ship's crew know they were on their way. It would be too late, however. By the time the Carpathia arrived, all that remained of the Titanic was a handful of lifeboats filled with shocked survivors.
Since the ship sank to her watery grave, almost one hundred years ago, a number of theories have been put forth to explain how in the year of 1912 the sinking of the Titanic could have occurred. Some theories suggest that had the ship's crew not attempted to turn the ship in the opposite direction of the iceberg and instead took the blow head-on, the collision would not have resulted in such catastrophic disaster.
Where did the Titanic sink? The Titanic sank somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, south of Newfoundland, Canada. Here's a map with the exact location of the Titanic's resting place. Use the + and - buttons to zoom, the arrows to move.
Consequently, neighboring ships in the area had reported earlier in the evening that the waters ahead contained numerous masses of solid ice and that approaching ships should proceed with caution. The Titanic, however, thought to be unsinkable, plowed full speed ahead. This proved to be a fatal mistake and is certainly one of the factors that led to the disaster. More>>>
The passengers on the Titanic have become as infamous as the sinking of the ship itself. While the tragic sinking would have no doubt been met with shock, the tragedy was manifested by large number of first class and notable Titanic passengers who perished in the ship's disaster.
There were 2228 people on board of the Titanic, 337 in first class, 285 second class, 721 in third class and 885 crew members.
Captain E. Smith
The infamous ship set sail on April 10, 1912 under the command of Captain Edward Smith. Facts about Captain Edward John Smith, his life and his tragic death aboard the ship are often the subject of much debate and study. Many historians feel that the tragedy could have been avoided in it's entirely had Captain Smith acted differently. Others aren't so sure. Certainly a number of other factors contributed to the heavy loss of life, including the lack of life boats.
Molly Brown
Titanic survivor stories have given the world a wealth of information regarding what actually happened during the fateful last minutes of the ill fated luxury liner and the people in the Titanic. Diaries of the Titanic passengers have revealed the sinking of the infamous ship was a story rich in tragedy, triumph and despair,
sacrifice and selfishness.
Mr. and Mrs. Straus
While the world is often taken with the stories of the famous passengers on the Titanic, there were also hundreds of second and third class passengers who also perished with the ship. These poor souls were at an unfortunate advantage due to the fact that ship did not
carry enough lifeboats for all the people in the Titanic!
Robert C. Chisholm
How many people survived the Titanic is one of the most frequently asked questions regarding the history of this legendary ship. Of the 2,228 passengers and crew members who set sail, only 705 Titanic passengers survived.
The first live Titanic pictures were taken on September 1, 1985, the day the wreckage of the ship was finally discovered. For the next several months numerous sketches of the Titanic ship were developed based on the initial Titanic wreck photos taken that day.
The following year, search crews returned to the area armed with a submersible vehicle named Alvin. It would be Alvin's job, along with an underwater robot, to scout the area thousands of feet below the water and take more photos of the real Titanic. Funding for the development and production of the incredibly expensive equipment had been provided by the US Office for Naval Research, at a price tag of almost $3 million.
For several painstaking hours the search crew waited while Alvin slowly descended to the site of the wreck, some 2 ½ miles below water. The first image to come into view was that of the ship's hull. The excitement among the crew was palpable, however Alvin had to return almost immediately to the surface. The extremely long trip to the ocean floor had nearly depleted the little vehicle's battery store. The crew had no choice but to wait to the following day to once again return to the site. Titanic pictures have put an end to the question 'what did the Titanic look like after all this years on the bottom of the ocean'. Authentic photographs of the ship's wreckage, submerged almost three miles below water, have enabled the world to finally envision the infamous ship both before and after the tragedy.
The Titanic pictures have also put an end to numerous other questions regarding the tragic sinking. Immediately following the tragedy, a number of survivors reported that just before sinking below the water, the ship broke into two sections. This theory had been hotly debated for a number of years. Also in question was exactly what had occurred to sink the 'unsinkable' Titanic. While there was no doubt regarding the collision with a gigantic iceberg, many wondered how even such an impact could have caused enough damage to result in the rapid sinking of the huge ocean liner.
Today, the world no longer has to wonder what the Titanic looked like. Titanic pictures in 1912 reveal a world class luxury liner, filled with passengers excited to be journeying on the ship's maiden voyage. The final image of the Titanic became complete when Titanic underwater pictures were published sixty years later. More>>>
James Cameron's Titanic movie (released in December 1997) took the world by storm, much as the original ship earned the world's awe before her untimely demise.
How many oscars did the Titanic movie win? The Titanic earned its place as the most nominated movie in film history. In total, the film was nominated for a whopping 14 Oscars and managed to bring home 11 of the coveted awards. No other film in history had won that many awards.
Movie goers around the world were so taken by the movie's main characters, Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater, that the Titanic earned Oscar nominations for Best Actress and Best Picture. Surprisingly, there was no Oscar nomination for Leonardo DiCaprio, who played the role of the ill fated Jack Dawson. While the movie went on to snag the Oscar for Best Picture, along with a host of others, Kate Winslet failed to take home the Oscar for her portrayal of Rose.
The Titanic's sound effects contributed to much of the film's success and were responsible for two of the Oscar nominations and wins: Sound and Sound Effects Editing. The Titanic movie also won awards for Original dramatic score and Original song.
The Story of The Titanic Movie
For the most part, the production team, script writers and actors of the movie strived very hard to make sure that the film portrayed the tragedy of the original ship's story as accurately as possible."Were Rose and Jack Dawson real passengers on the Titanic?" is a question I get a lot from readers. I hate to disappoint you, but there was no one aboard the ship with the same names as the movie's leading characters. However, a number of real characters were portrayed in the movie, including:
- Thomas Andrews: the builder of the Titanic.
- Molly Brown: 'The Unsinkable Molly Brown", in real life she took control of her lifeboat and rescued several survivors out of the water.
- Edward Smith: the captain of the Titanic.
- John Jacob Astor: a first-class passenger.
- Wallace Hartley: the Titanic's band leader who's band kept on playing music during the sinking. The last song played is called "Nearer, My God, to Thee". Here's an excerpt of the movie "A Night to Remember", where you can listen to the song:
- Many others...
The main (fictional) story is of course the love story between Jack and Rose, two passengers from entirely different social classes.
Jack Dawson
- Jack Dawson (played by Leonardo DiCaprio): Jack is a poor man from Wisconsin who has been traveling in Europe (mainly Paris). He wins 2 third class tickets for the Titanic in a poker game and boards the ship with his friend Fabrizio.
- Rose DeWitt Bukater (played by Kate Winslet): Rose is a 17-year old woman from Philadelphia. Rose boards the ship with her fiance Cal (played by Billy Zane) and her mother Ruth.
Rose Dawson
Of course Cal forbids Rose to see Jack, but of course she doesn't listen and falls in love. The romance goes on until the Titanic collides with the iceberg. They want to warn Cal and Rose's mother, but Jack gets framed by Cal and is imprisoned. While the Titanic is sinking, Rose helps Jack to escape and they return to the top deck.
Cal manages to persuade Rose to get in a lifeboat for a short while until she realizes she can't leave Jack. She leaves the lifeboat and meets Jack in the first-class stairway. Jack and Rose are being chased by Cal, who has a gun. Cal runs out of ammunition and manages to board a lifeboat.
Jack and Rose take refuge on the vertical stern, but eventually they are washed into the freezing Atlantic Ocean. They manage to grab a floating door, which unfortunately has only space for one person. Jack dies from the cold in Rose's arms. Rose is picked up by the RMS Carpathia, where she names herself Rose Dawson. There she sees Cal for the last time, looking for her.
Rose wearing the Heart of the Ocean
In reality, while such a necklace did actually once exist, its location has remained a mystery since the one time owner of the necklace, King Louis XVI, died. There are no reports to indicate that the original Heart of the Ocean necklace wound up on board the Titanic.
The Making of The Titanic Movie
James Cameron started the production of the movie in 1995. He began by making footage of the wreck of the real RMS Titanic. A reconstruction of the Titanic ship was made in Baja California. Computers and scale models were used to create the images of the sinking. All this made that the Titanic was the most expensive movie of its time (about $200 million). Luckily the film was a commercial success and grossed almost $2 billion worldwide in box office sales.The 1997 box office smash hit, while extremely popular, was not the only movie to have been made about the tragic sinking of the ship that had been labeled 'unsinkable.' In 1959, 'A Night to Remember' was released. The rights to this film were purchased by James Cameron, director of the Titanic movie, in order that he could use details of the older movie without fear of copyright problems.
The Titanic Soundtrack
The Titanic soundtrack was a gigantic success, the best selling US album of 1998. The soundtrack, composed by James Horner, is mainly orchestral with some singing done by Celine Dion and Norwegian singer Sissel Kyrkjebø.The Titanic theme song, called "My Heart Will Go On" is written in secret because James Cameron didn't want vocals in the music. James Horner persuaded Celine Dion to sing and presented the song to James Cameron when he was in a good mood. After hearing it a couple of times, James gave his approval. The song won the Academy Award for Best Original Song. More>>>
Monday, September 5, 2011
Search engines changes the way people surf on the internet therefore, they are also important to web publishers as well as bloggers.. Without any doubt, people/visitors are directed to site and blog whenever someone searches for one information or the other on the internet. But do you realize that you can get your site to the top 10 search engine result pages? If not you can still get significant traffic from search engines? If not it is time for you to find other meaningful ways to improve traffic to your blog/site with or without search engines.
There are various ways to achieve all these.
Regular updating of your blog is one of the best ways to generate traffic and readership to your blog /site. This involves regular reviews and updating of your posts, as soon as you discover or get new information which are different and more relevant from those you have posted earlier. For this reason you have to make research on your post before and after posting them.
Successful blogs and sites have managed to build huge numbers of readership over some time, their readers constitute the major source of sustainable traffic. Search engines algorithm can change at anytime for example, if your blog/site is number 1 now from the search engine results when the search engine algorithm changes at anytime your position will definitely change it can either be higher or low when this occurs therefore, this does not guarantee you search engine traffic for a lifetime. Readers are the source of sustainable traffic and at the same time they are the engine of blogs/site sustainable success therefore, how to have a large readership is a very important question? What is the secret of having a large readership? To build a large readership, you must have a targeted audience, understand them and know what they really want. While writing your posts, write as if there is just one person in your mind. Think of him/her as somebody whom you know intimately as a relative or a friend, as if you understand his/her goals, dreams, aspirations and things that really interests him. Make him/her your true reader and he/she will soak up every word, information been disseminated and he clicks on every link you include in each blog post/web page.
It is not possible to please everyone at all times therefore, the best strategy is to focus on pleasing those who people you can influence those who will take action on knowledge/information that is been passed onto them, those who will click a link for the fact that you recommended it for them for example recommending an E-Book, a new software or product. So that your readers will click the "Buy Now" button and earn you an affiliate or ad agent commission. The best way to achieve this is to think about what people usually search for on the internet and your own job is to make that information available to them through your postings. For this reasons your job is to make your content to closely match the wants of your targeted audience.
It is not possible to please everyone at all times therefore, the best strategy is to focus on pleasing those who people you can influence those who will take action on knowledge/information that is been passed onto them, those who will click a link for the fact that you recommended it for them for example recommending an E-Book, a new software or product. So that your readers will click the "Buy Now" button and earn you an affiliate or ad agent commission. The best way to achieve this is to think about what people usually search for on the internet and your own job is to make that information available to them through your postings. For this reasons your job is to make your content to closely match the wants of your targeted audience.
There are many other things you too can even think of that are so easy to do in order to achieve you mission, some of them includes:
- Stick to making posts regularly
- Stay within your blog's theme
- Encourage feedback
- Respond to questions from your readers
- Keep up to date with the news within the theme of your blog
- Provide your readers with your opinions on relevant and interesting items
- Reveal something yourself in your posts. Your readers are much more likely to trust you if you allow them to get to know you.
If you are new to HTML or making websites, you may not know what is meant by meta tag. Even if you have been in the system for some time you may not fully understand what meta tags really means and not to talk of their uses.
Meta Tags help search engines in indexing websites and blogs in a better way so that visitors are able to find websites and blogs thereby, increasing the traffic of such blog/site. Without meta tags in Web pages a lot of search engines will not be able to access blogs/website therefore, there will be no visitor to such a blog/site not to talk of traffic. They are one of the most essential parts of a web page. A normal meta tag usually looks like this:

Please do bear it in mind that meta tags are usually found in the HEAD section the keywords may be more than 3 but, this is just for you to get the idea.
Just ask yourself that "if you are the one using the search engine in searching for a particular topic or information what would you type into it to find what you are searching for". You may also want to use keywords that show up somewhere on the page at least once. Some search engines will also look at some of the words on the web pages and if they see the same word in the body of the page and in the keywords then your placement in the search results will be higher. Please do bear it at the back of your mind that you should never type the same word twice in your keywords. Some search engines will get confused and will not search any further to see the rest of your keywords and your web page may not be located.
There is a trick which work sometimes and it is by deliberately using misspelled words in your keywords. For example, if someone was searching for electronic site do you know that he/she may type "eletronic" unknowingly have you ever made such mistake? If this seems to be a common way of misspelling the word then you may add it to your keywords. Therefore, if someone misspell the word into the search engine you could be on the top of the search results. Meanwhile, some search engines penalizes for using a word in your meta keywords which you don't use on your web pages so you have to use misspellings with caution.
Another important aspect of meta tags which is not really a meta tag but, is still very much important in search engine placement is the Title tag and is one of the basic HTML tags. It makes words show up on the top of the browser but, it basically tells people what your site is all about. In your Title tag use a short phrase which describes your web page and uses keywords. Do not use punctuation marks except a dash in your Title tag.
Meta Tags help search engines in indexing websites and blogs in a better way so that visitors are able to find websites and blogs thereby, increasing the traffic of such blog/site. Without meta tags in Web pages a lot of search engines will not be able to access blogs/website therefore, there will be no visitor to such a blog/site not to talk of traffic. They are one of the most essential parts of a web page. A normal meta tag usually looks like this:
Just ask yourself that "if you are the one using the search engine in searching for a particular topic or information what would you type into it to find what you are searching for". You may also want to use keywords that show up somewhere on the page at least once. Some search engines will also look at some of the words on the web pages and if they see the same word in the body of the page and in the keywords then your placement in the search results will be higher. Please do bear it at the back of your mind that you should never type the same word twice in your keywords. Some search engines will get confused and will not search any further to see the rest of your keywords and your web page may not be located.
There is a trick which work sometimes and it is by deliberately using misspelled words in your keywords. For example, if someone was searching for electronic site do you know that he/she may type "eletronic" unknowingly have you ever made such mistake? If this seems to be a common way of misspelling the word then you may add it to your keywords. Therefore, if someone misspell the word into the search engine you could be on the top of the search results. Meanwhile, some search engines penalizes for using a word in your meta keywords which you don't use on your web pages so you have to use misspellings with caution.
Another important aspect of meta tags which is not really a meta tag but, is still very much important in search engine placement is the Title tag and is one of the basic HTML tags. It makes words show up on the top of the browser but, it basically tells people what your site is all about. In your Title tag use a short phrase which describes your web page and uses keywords. Do not use punctuation marks except a dash in your Title tag.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
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The easy-to-use MTN 3.5G USB modem (E220) is a small 3.5G HSDPA enabled portable device which inserts into the USB port of many desktops or laptop running compatible Microsoft Windows or Apple Macintosh. The MTN 3.5G USB Modem offers all MTN customers with desktops and laptops the easiest, fastest, and most convenient way to access the Internet everywhere within MTN Data Services coverage.
The MTN 3.5G Data Card (E630) is a 3.5G HSDPA enabled PCMCIA card type II that fits into compatible laptops and notebooks and acts as a modem to connect you to the Internet via MTN’s 3.5G network.
Simply insert an MTN SIM card into the MTN 3.5G USB Modem or Data Card, and connect it to your laptop or desktop through the USB port, connect to the Internet anywhere you have MTN 3.5G coverage at broadband speeds. MTN’s 3.5G (HSDPA technology) was built to deliver speeds of up to 3.6 Mbps. For downloads when using the mode within 3.5G coverage, but expect to experience speeds between 400 Kbps and 800 Kbps with peaks of approximately 1.2Mbps. The speed you experience with the MTN 3.5G USB modem or MTN 3.5G Data Card can vary based on the number of current users on the network, the location and availability of the internet site you are trying to access, coverage, environmental conditions, and applications used. Whenever you are not in 3G coverage, the Data Card will move seamlessly onto our extensive GPRS network. Your MTN Branded USB Modem or Data Card are plug-and-play – easy to use, on compatible systems i.e self-installation/automatic installation when you are it is been inserted onto desktop or laptop. Just put your SIM in the Modem or Data Card, plug in, and you’ll be up and running in no time following automatic setup.
The easy-to-use MTN 3.5G USB modem (E220) is a small 3.5G HSDPA enabled portable device which inserts into the USB port of many desktops or laptop running compatible Microsoft Windows or Apple Macintosh. The MTN 3.5G USB Modem offers all MTN customers with desktops and laptops the easiest, fastest, and most convenient way to access the Internet everywhere within MTN Data Services coverage.
The MTN 3.5G Data Card (E630) is a 3.5G HSDPA enabled PCMCIA card type II that fits into compatible laptops and notebooks and acts as a modem to connect you to the Internet via MTN’s 3.5G network.
Simply insert an MTN SIM card into the MTN 3.5G USB Modem or Data Card, and connect it to your laptop or desktop through the USB port, connect to the Internet anywhere you have MTN 3.5G coverage at broadband speeds. MTN’s 3.5G (HSDPA technology) was built to deliver speeds of up to 3.6 Mbps. For downloads when using the mode within 3.5G coverage, but expect to experience speeds between 400 Kbps and 800 Kbps with peaks of approximately 1.2Mbps. The speed you experience with the MTN 3.5G USB modem or MTN 3.5G Data Card can vary based on the number of current users on the network, the location and availability of the internet site you are trying to access, coverage, environmental conditions, and applications used. Whenever you are not in 3G coverage, the Data Card will move seamlessly onto our extensive GPRS network. Your MTN Branded USB Modem or Data Card are plug-and-play – easy to use, on compatible systems i.e self-installation/automatic installation when you are it is been inserted onto desktop or laptop. Just put your SIM in the Modem or Data Card, plug in, and you’ll be up and running in no time following automatic setup.
- Specifically designed for Windows 2000 (SP2 and above), Windows XP, Windows ® Vista;
- Apple Macintosh OSX 10.4 or higher. (New versions of the MAC OSX may require you to perform a software driver upgrade ;
- At least 128MB RAM (system memory)recommended;
- At least 50MB minimum of free hard disk space;
- PC USB slot – for the MTN 3.5G USB Modem;
- PCMCIA Type II slot – for the MTN 3.5G Data Card;
- CD ROM disk drive (optional)
MTN F@stlink User Interface
The MTN F@stlink Manager contains a user-friendly Set-up Wizard and user interface that is already loaded your MTN Branded USB or Data Card device. The Set-Up wizard starts up automatically as soon as you plug your device into the appropriate slot of your compatible PC.
***Note: Ensure that you insert a valid MTN SIM, with credit, into the Modem or Data Card before installing the Modem or Data Card.
MTN F@stlink User Interface allows you to:
The MTN F@stlink Manager contains a user-friendly Set-up Wizard and user interface that is already loaded your MTN Branded USB or Data Card device. The Set-Up wizard starts up automatically as soon as you plug your device into the appropriate slot of your compatible PC.
***Note: Ensure that you insert a valid MTN SIM, with credit, into the Modem or Data Card before installing the Modem or Data Card.
MTN F@stlink User Interface allows you to:
- Access the Internet via a web browser
- Access, send and receive emails
- Send and receive SMS messages (charged at standard SMS rates)
- Monitor your data usage via the "usage counter"
- Load Airtime and Check Balance (Prepaid SIM)
You can purchase an MTN 3.5G USB modem or PCMCIA Data Card from any MTN Service Center or Connect Store in your neighborhood.
- The resource used (e.g device type) being used to access the mobile data service.
- The availability of the server being accessed (internet site, mail server, etc.)
MTN offers a wide variety of economical data tariffs one may decided to use MTN Mobile Data service on a Pay-per-use basis (i.e according to existing tariff plan) or a Data Bundle/Plan. Either way you are not charged for the amount of time you spend like they do in cybercafe but, for the amount of data (volume) that you upload or download when using the MTN 3.5G or GPRS Data Service. Data bundles are ideal if you have an idea of how much you want to spend on data as well as how much data you need. These bundles have been designed to reduce the cost of data usage provided you stay within the bundle limits.
Each data bundle has an in-bundle rate and an out-of-bundle rate. You pay a flat fee for all data in-bundle, but as soon as your in-bundle limit for your subscription type is exceeded, the out-of-bundle rate will apply per MB.More>>>>
Thursday, September 1, 2011
after unlocking the modem.
Some people do complain that they couldn’t use their modem for other networks after
unlocking it for. If you are sure that your modem have been unlocked then follow these
step by step guidelines if not unlock it first and follow the steps. To get connected you
need to configure the already installed software (Example: If you unlock your MTN
step by step guidelines if not unlock it first and follow the steps. To get connected you
need to configure the already installed software (Example: If you unlock your MTN
fastlink modem to access other networks (Glo, etisalat and airtel) you will need to configure
the MTN fastlink software on your PC to point to other networks to access the internet)
How do I connect through other networks after my modem has been unlocked?
After unlocking your modem, follow the following steps on any of the network (MTN
fastlink, Glo, Etisalat and Airtel) modem for you to get connected to the internet.
Click on the modem icon on the desktop to load your modem interactive interface
(that is where you normally click “connect” to get connected to the internet)
At the top of the interactive interface there are some icons, which looks like this:
File Operation Tools Help
Click on the “Tools” icon a sub menu will appear, then click on “Option” from
this dropdown menu from “Tools” another sub menu which looks like this will come up:
PIN Operations
Choose Device
Then click on “Options” from this drop down menu another sub menu which looks like
this will come up:
Text Message
Profile Management Click on “Profile Management” from the menu displayed from “Options” this opens
the internet connection profiles from where you can add, delete and edit any of the profiles.
After opening the profile management menu you will see "New", Delete, Edit and so on”
Now you can start a new settings on you modem.
Click on “New” then fill the boxes at your right hand-side with all the following network
configuration (Adding all the setup at one will save you of adding each network when
you want to use them to access internet connection on your modem).
MTN Configuration
Profile name: MTN
APN: (choose “Static” to enable editing)
APN: web.mtnnigeria.net
Access Number: *99#
Username: web
Password: web
Click “Save” to save your settings.
Glo 3G Plus (Prepaid) Configuration
Profile name: Glo Plus
APN (choose “Static” to enable editing)
APN: gloflat
Access Number: *99#
Username: flat
Password: flat
Click “Save” to save your settings.
Glo 3G Configuration
Profile name: GLO
APN (choose “Static” to enable editing)
APN: glosecure
Access Number: *99#
Username: gprs
Password: gprs
Click “Save” to save your settings.
Airtel internet Configuration
Profile name: Airtel internet
APN (choose “Static” to enable editing)
APN: internet.ng.airtel.com
Access Number: *99#
Username: internet
Password: internet
Click “Save” to save your settings.
Airtel Wap Configuration
Profile name: Airtel wap
APN (choose “Static” to enable editing)
APN: wap.ng.airtel.com
Access Number: *99#
Username: wap
Password: wap
Click “Save” to save your settings
NOTE: All these clicks are left clicks though double clicking will not create
any problem but, a single click is alright. Please Endeavour to configure your
modem software with all the above settings to make it easy to use any network.
STEP 3: After following the above instructions correctly, then go back to the main
interactive interface page where you have the connection box. Click on the box beside
“connect” to view a dropdown menu of all your configuration settings that has been saved
on the profile management. Just choose any network you want to connect to and click the
“connect” icon in other to launch get connected to the internet.
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