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Wednesday, August 31, 2011


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Saturday, August 20, 2011


There are various theories in understanding remuneration out of which three different theories will be discussed as follows:
1.     Agency theory;
2.     Motivation theory and;
3.     The psychological contract theory.

1.     Agency theory

In this theory one party (the principal) hires another (the agent) who possesses specialised skills and knowledge. The proponents of this theory assumes that each party acts in its own self-interest, this give rise to one of the problems of agency theory as the interest of these two parties may not coincide in some cases. If the agent has a high level of autonomy and independent the risk of moral hazards may increase, this occurs when the agent engages in activities that are not in the interest of the principal, such as using working hours or organisational resources for personal gains. As a result of this the principal develops mechanisms to minimise the moral hazard, the may include the system of rules introduced to monitor the behaviour of the agent which can be introduction of incentives or the agent having to provide certain information to the principal which can be geared towards supervising the input or behaviour of the agent while the first can be inform of profit or growth in the market share.
Most research in the agency theory has looked at senior managers in private sector companies in the context of corporate governance. This theory has been criticised because it fails to take into account the difficulty in setting a meaningful measures for employees with complex and intangible roles. Furthermore, organisational behaviourists query its inability to deal with the political and behavioural aspects in setting and monitoring performances. Others have warned of the dangers associated with concentrating managerial attention on a limited range of factors, which might lead them to neglect important areas of organisational effectiveness.
2.     Motivation Theory

Content and process are the two distinct types of the motivation theory. Content theories are interested in the “what” of motivation, using Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to identify that are most important to individuals. This theory suggests that the needs of human have an order of hierarchy of needs ranging from physiological needs like food, shelter, water etc. up to what Maslow termed as “self-actualisation” which relates to personal fulfilment through work. This theory is been criticised for its strong normative bias and there are facts that individuals do not see their needs in hierarchical and sequential way because, individual can neglect basic needs like safety and be motivated by higher order needs like esteem. Process theories are concerned with the “how” of motivation and it is the most widely accepted and utilised.
This theory is broadly divided as follows:
                    i.            Expectancy theory;
                  ii.            Instrumentality theory;
                iii.            Valence theory;
               iv.            Goal theory;
                 v.            Reinforcement theory and;
               vi.            Equity theory.
        i.            Expectancy theory: refers to the employee’s perception that a certain level of effort will lead to a certain level of performance.
      ii.            Instrumentality theory: is based on the fact that the level of performance achieved will in turn leads to required outcomes. i.e. reward.
    iii.            Valence theory: is the perceived attractiveness of the rewards are of low value to individual they are unlikely to exert more effort.
The expectancy theory is the most widely used in other to understand the design and outcomes of performance pay system. The theory is based on an economic model of human behaviour and also assumes that individuals have preferences regarding the rewards they will receive in exchange for their investment of time and resources. It recognises the difference between individuals in the valence of rewards and helps to explain why some workers are more highly motivated when certain rewards are provided and others are not.

   iv.            Goal theory: is the joint setting of objectives, feedback and involvement which are part of managerial approach and can improve motivation. The theory places particular emphasis on goal setting behaviour and stipulates that the goals needs to be clear, specific and achievable if they are to motivated.
     v.            Reinforcement theory: suggests that behaviour can be modified if individuals receive the reward at the time they exhibit the desired behaviours. The important assumption of this theory is that rewards can become an acquired right id they are delivered on a regular basis.
   vi.            Equity theory: posits that employee in organisations expects to be rewarded like other employees for similar levels of input, this makes the distribution of reward important. This theory implies that it is not necessarily the level or type of reward that is important but, the extent of equity among the employees. If they feel that the rewards are not equitable, they can reduce their effort, absenteeism or minimal involvement in certain activities.
Adinofi (1998) states that “many of the problem in the operation of pay schemes were due to deficiency in performance related design and implementation”. i.e. the process aspects.
Some of the problems of performance pay scheme are:
v    Measurement problems which ranges from political manipulation of measurement data, rating errors etc.
v    Resistance to change in payment.
v    Lack of control over performance.
3        Psychological Contract Theory
Rousseau (1995) states that “the understanding people have, whether written or unwritten regarding the commitments made between themselves and their generations”. This is what psychological contract theory is all about; it is the changing nature of the employment relationship which is an important contextual feature that shapes individual responses to the rewards offered by organisations. This can also influence the overall levels of motivation and commitment of employees. The psychological contract theory can manifests in two distinct employment relationships, these are:
        i.            the transactional relationship and;
      ii.            the relational relationship.
                    i.            The transactional relationship: is based on a clear statement of the expectations of both parties to the employment relationship, the exact requirement may be specified in a written contract with a finite end. A fixed term temporary employment contract to provide specific service is an example of the transactional relationship.
                  ii.            The relational relationship: is based on a long term relationship between the employer and the employee and the organisations requirements of the employee are more open-ended and continually negotiated.
Researchers in this field argued that employer desires the transactional model because of the environmental context of heightened uncertainty in which organisation must function. They argued that this will provide greater flexibility and make the contribution of individual workers to the organisations performance to be more explicit.
In practice of the transactional model, job security is not emphasised and career horizons may be limited and the balance of reward to risk is more heavily weighted with high level of remuneration in form of incentives and performance payments, these payments are likely to be short term in nature and linked to specific short term goals and objectives. But, in relationship model long term incentives and deferred payments are used in order to align individual interest with the long term performance of the organisation. Structured internal labour markets with career ladders, promotions criteria and “feel-fair” transparent process for determining progression can be achieved. It has been argued that the introduction of new reward systems can severely damage the psychological contract in organisations particularly in public sector.




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Friday, August 19, 2011


Converting visitors to your blog/site is one of the major problems which usually confront bloggers and site owners at the initial stage although, it is not so easy to convert visitors to your site/blog to constant traffic. Let's take this for an example, leaving your URLs as the signature in your forums and emails with this people may be willing to visit your site. But how to make sure they will always visit your blog thereby making them to become a constant traffic to your blog/site is the major question?
Many people probably opened up their web stats/page views and discovered that they are having high traffic which could be as a result of a link from a site with high traffic, large number of site/blogs links to their site, increase in search engine rankings i.e. Page Ranking, or by getting to Digg's homepage. Converting these first time visitors to your blog to regular traffic is the next step, here are some tips on how to convert your visitors to constant traffic:

1.  Regular Posting of Articles
Regular posting of articles which benefit your visitors and readers alike is one of the ways to ensure they will always come back to your blog/site. An effective in writing is to write article in part/series for sure if a visitor/reader like part 1, it is certain that he/she will come back to read the remaining part of the series, such a visitor can even refer others to your site/blog.
2. Creativity
Creativity is a way to ensure you keep your visitors to always come back to your blog/site, to achieve this you will need to be creative on regular basis and come up with something different every once in awhile, this will make your visitors to be excited while visiting your blog and at the same time keep it away from boring your visitors and readers at the same time because you need them also. If they are excited by your blog they will always want to be in touch with you and your site/blog.

3.  Clear Messages 
Make your messages clear to your visitors and readers alike because, if your reader cannot understand your point about a particular post or message as quickly as possible they will they will rather seek for an alternative site/blog with similar post or message which they can easily understand on time.
Following all the above tips there is a clear assurance that your visitors will be converted to constant traffic and you know what this means, it could lead to increase in your revenue from Google Adsense and its alternatives.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Many blog and site owners depends largely on Google Adsense in order to earn revenue from their blog or site, in fact most sites do not even meet up to their own standard in most cases. Due to unreasonable excuses in most cases Google Adsense do ban their publisher account either for fraud, not abridge of Terms Of Service, cutting of the hard earned payments due to publishers or even debiting their account, all these occurs mostly without warning or explanation. ADSENSE will not  pay until an account reach $100 which is their minimum payout, which is not within the reach of some site or blog owners therefore, there is need for another advertising agents which are more reliable as an alternative to Google Adsense, many of which can run easily alongside with Google Adsense ads.

Although, some ad agents do have some kind of specification in terms of site content, country home of the publisher i.e the country from which you are among many other things. The following are some other advertising agents with a lower minimum payouts as low as $20 and a less rigid Terms Of Service and regulations which you can try out:


  1. Absolute Agency
  2. Adpepper
  3. Addynamo
  4.  Addynamix
  5. Adfish
  6. Adjungle
  7. Adorigin
  8. Adsmarket
  9. Adsmart
  10. Advertising
  11. Agendize
  12. Amasenseads
  13. Ampiramedia
  14. Bannerconnect
  15. Bannerspace
  16. Bardzomedia
  17. Bidvertiser
  18. Blogads
  19. Blogkits
  20. Casale Media
  21. Click2sell
  22. Clickbank
  23. Clickbooth
  24. Clickhype
  25. Clickxchange
  26. Commission Junction
  27. Commission Monster
  28. Cover Clicks
  29. Crisp Ads
  30. Cyber Bounty
  31. Dragon Media Online
  32. Easy Ad
  33. Etype Europe
  34. EType USA
  35. Exo Click
  36. Federated Media
  37. Fine Clicks
  38. Flux Ads
  39. Hyper Bidder
  40. Inter Click
  41. Kanoodle
  42. Kowabunga
  43. Link Bliss
  44. Link Like
  45. Meta Reward
  46. Microsoft Ad Center
  47. Money4 Banners
  48. More Niche
  49. Never Blueads
  50. Nuffnang
  51. Pay Dot Com
  52. Pay Per Post
  53. Pay Pop Up
  54. Performancing Ads
  55. Pheedo
  56. Pop Up Traffic
  57. Primary Ads
  58. Profit Center Network
  59. Project Wonderful
  60. Revenue Science
  61. Revenue.Net
  62. Review Me
  63. Share A Sale
  64. Shopping. Com
  65. Sponsored Reviews
  66. Text Link Ads
  67. Text Wise
  68. Traffic Market Place
  69. Value Ad
  70. Veoda
  71. W ayPoint Cash
  72. Web Advertising
  73. Web Sponsors
  74. Widget Bucks
  75. Yes Advertising
I intend to review the above information as frequent as I can so you can get more information from here.
At this point I will to appreciate the efforts of SunSeven from where I got some of the above information. Thanks a lot.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Here there is an in-depth analysis on how to drive traffic to a website, we all know that traffic is very essential in earning clicks and revenue from ads i.e Goggle Adsense and other advertising programs. But the fact is that building traffic is not an easy task as it requires a great period of time to achieve this therefore, I shall as much as possible to give you some tips on driving traffic to your site without stress. Please Claim Your FREE GIFTS for visiting Blog and readin this article

Optimizing Your Website
It is a matter of SEO i.e Search Engine Optimization have ever heard of it if you do are you familiar with it? Search engines look at both the internal and external profile of your website in order to assign a rank to a web page. Internal profile i.e On-Page Optimization of any website includes the use of meta tags, heading tags, keywords, targeted content as well as internal link to other website while the External profile of your website defines the websites which links people to your website it also defines the pages on other websites where your link is placed as well as identifying the Page Ranking of those pages along with the ones where your link appears, the number of inward links you are getting are also included. Please note that using the relevant keywords in anchor text boost the rankings on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs)

Linking Your Website and Web Pages
Often, webmasters only focus on on-page optimization, and neglect the presence of off-page optimization. There are two kinds of links On the internet
i) External Links and,
ii) Internal Links.
i) External Links: these are the websites that  links to your website.
ii) Internal Links: these are the internal links of web pages.
Getting links from other websites is the most powerful tool driving traffic to your website/blog, the results are instantaneous and highly effective. Getting links from websites with higher Page Ranking and proper anchor text definitely helps a lot in driving traffic to your site as it results into more  traffic from search engines. If you are able to achieve this you are half way done in getting more traffic with less stress but, the best is getting this links in abundance to achieve this there are many tools available for building links to your website automatically, some link exchange directories on the net are good support in link building but, the use of these directories depends on your own strategies as adequate and proper inter-linking of your web pages i.e intra-linking is also relevant and significant in driving traffic.

Article Posting
Publishing and posting of  more articles on the net or article websites gives you another advantage as this offers you incoming links to your website. Posting of good quality articles catering for the interest of a large number of readers is also an effective way of driving traffic to your website good quality articles brings more traffic to your website often than expected this means more a lot to you. From observation as the Page Rank of your website increases, your AdSense payouts also increases you can get more internal links to your website through this medium as Search Engines takes the number of quality back links into account into consideration while assigning rank to your website, readers that are interested in your articles will check out your website and there will be an increase in the number of links that you have. In comparison the links that point to other websites from your website, the links that point to your website gives more points to your rankings.

Anchor Texts
This refers to the clickable text of a hyperlink, anchor texts plays a vital role driving traffic as well as search engine rankings.Appropriate Anchor Text are more appealing to visitors of the content of the page it links to, it also gives real clue to the search engines regarding the content of the web page it links which it links to. Please note that the right Anchor Text improves the ranking of your website by the search engine. That's why it is vital to pick the a good Anchor Text. To Google Anchor Text are the indicator of the page relevance, by using its special operator "allinanchor:keyword", separately indexes the Anchor Text.
Use of Tools
Website tools make your website user friendly, it is recommended that you make use of the tools that are visitor's friendly. Having new scripts rich in content as well as innovative schemes for the visitor helps you to get more inward links. This in turn builds traffic to your website, let the tools on your website be more attractive, offer free e-books, gifts or having exciting sections relevant to your website is also helpful as this makes your website exciting to your visitors. Google cherish unique and quality content as it highly rewards websites which provides more content as well as better facilities to their visitors. it also likes genuine traffic coming to your website from different networks, this yields higher payouts than anything. Please do bear it in mind that website tools make your website a genuine one and this increases the probability of your website getting high paying ads through Google and other advertising agencies.
The Keywords

Identifying the niche markets as this enable s you to get the traffic that are not been targeted so much with this you will surely get well within your industry. For example if your competitor is leading more traffic on one keyword you too can compete with him by targeting various niche keywords that can fetch you the same amount of traffic or even more. These keywords brings in more target traffic to your web pages. Please remember to claim your FREE GIFTS for visiting this Blog and reading through it.   You can also get PAID FOR YOUR OPINON

For more articles on money making click on the MONEY MAKING icon under the LABEL section by your left or check the Blog Archive and List of Post.


After Google or your advertising company has approved your account you will get your channel code to be pasted on your site, this is your first step to earn money from it. The next thing to do so as to display Adsense ads on your sites is simple and straightforward remember that Adsense Ads are solely HTML code i.e those links that makes up a website. With the use of a simple HTML editor or a third party HTML editor in some cases, it is easy for you to paste  HMTL code into any place you want in your website. Free gifts for visiting this blog
First, you need to get the HMTL code for a specific product from your advertising company like Goggle Adsense, Addynamo etc. There are various products from these advertisers waiting for advertisement. After you have gotten your code for your advertiser or selecting the desired product, just highlight and copy the HTML code in the box at the bottom of the page.
You can use any simple HTML editors (e.g. Frontpage, Dreamweaver etc.) and paste the code to your desire position. Once you've generated your ad code by visiting your advertiser Setup tab and following the steps to choose and set up an ad type, format, and colors, the next thing is to add the code to your web pages.The final step of the setup, is to get your code in the Your AdSense Code box you will have to cut-and-paste directly into your web pages. Claim your free gifts for visiting this blog or Get paid for your opinions
Note that every HTML editor is different, and only you know how you like to build your web pages, no one can give you exact instructions on copying the ad code into your pages. But here are some few tips:

 i)   Ensure you paste the ad code into your source without making any changes to the code or else there will be problem of loading the ad. This is very much important, as any changes to the code in any way can cause errors on your page (and is against the AdSense and most advertisers program policies)

ii) Copy the ad code between the body tags of your HTML

iii)  If you're using a WYSIWYG editor (such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver) it's a good idea to paste the code into the Code or Source view. Pasting it into the layout view will often result in HTML tags being added to your code, and will result in errors. For this you have to know what kind of editor you are using and how to manipulate it for your best result.

iv) Make sure that the ad code is pasted into the frame that contains your page's main content if you are using Frames.

Having done all these, save your web pages and upload them onto your server. If you have questions about uploading files to your server contacting your web hosting company directly is the best option for you.
After pasting the code in your site, the ads will be shown immediately; no matter relevant ads /irrelevant ads or even the PSA (public service advertisement) it could be. But note that initially, the ads that you see may be Public Service Ads and won't be targeted to your page your advertising agent will have to crawl your page's content before determining what kinds of ads to send to you, this can take up to a few hours, but usually occurs within some minutes. Once your advertising agent has crawl your page, you should expect ads that are highly targeted to your content. Click on the MONEY MAKING section on this Blog Labels or check the Blog Archive for information on money making articles. Please Claim your FREE GIFTS 

Saturday, August 6, 2011


The various condemnable actions of electoral and election officials are attributed to the mode of recruitment, training remuneration of these officials as earlier stated. In recent time recruitment of electoral officials are based only on interview in the first instance and mostly a further follow up either by politicians or a serving electoral staff just as it is obtainable in other government establishment and some corporate organizations as well. While, many applicants are turned down because of his/her anonymity to those in charge many unqualified applicants are employed because of been well known to the authorities in charge. In the case of election officials here in Nigeria training of election personnel’s precedes their recruitment and only those who attended the training session and qualified for the job are to be recruited but, reverse is the case as many qualified applicants that attended the training session still has to be nominated by politicians to guarantee their employment as some unqualified applicant who do not even attend the training session get employed through  the same process of nomination by politicians. more information
Electoral officials are not adequately trained to acquire relevant skills in discharging major electoral duties until the establishment of The Electoral Institute (TEI) which helps the commission to reduce problems of training its staff. Most electoral officials engaged in acquiring more electoral skills both within and outside the country at their own expense as this is been enjoyed by those in the high hierarchy in the commission. But, the training of election officials does not require any techniques from the commission, as the training sessions are mainly based on election manual which is used in lecturing the intending election officials without a standardized form of assessment or evaluation of any of them. They are characterized with inadequate facilities and unconducive environment in most cases especially at Local Government level.
Both successful and unsuccessful trainees are not given any training allowance or entitlements. Electoral officials are not well remunerated as there no special salary scale for them in terms of hazard, training,  inconveniency allowance, among many others except for an insurance scheme that difficult to accessed but instead they are been paid with the same salary scale as other Federal Government workers. They are even paid lesser than the ad-hoc staff (election official) whenever they are used as election officials in any re-run or by-election. Election officials are also badly remunerated as they are usually paid meagre amount that does not commensurate with the hazards of the job. Apart from this both electoral and election officials cannot make any claim of damage(s) which arises form discharging their duties also there are inadequacies in providing conducive working environment or lack of it in some cases.
In most cases, provisioning for some items like tables, chairs, even entertainment of election officials among many other things are made by the community or the politicians in most cases, and all these usually put election officials at he mercies of the politicians. Issue of insecurity of election officials is also questionable as security agents on election duties lack necessary skills and equipments in adequately securing electoral and election officials as well as their materials in election periods while, security personnel’s even aid and stand by hoodlums and politicians who disrupt elections by violent means. An official whose appointment was influenced by politician will have to payback as the politician been doing the favour to achieve his/her own selfish end. Also, an official who lack requisite skills in discharging his/her duties will have low efficiency at work and will not be able to discharge his/her duties accordingly without acquiring the requisite training and skills. Even the appointment of the Chairman, National Commissioners, Resident Electoral Commissioners (REC’s) as well as state Election Management Body’s are all influenced by politicians as they also enjoy jumbo salary packages.
                i.            What are the international standards of training, recruiting and remunerating electoral and election officials?
                  ii.            How do INEC recruit, train and remunerate electoral and election officials?
                iii.            What are the results of these processes?
The objectives should be to identify the following:
a)     To identify the methods of training, recruiting and remunerating electoral officials;
b)    To evaluate this methods and identify the challenges and;
c)     To examine the challenges and the implications on our electoral process.
Recruitment, training and remuneration of electoral officials are essential in the electoral process and for the survival of democracy in any country around the world therefore, these three major factors are to be well managed in other to achieve credible, free and fair elections, and its implications for free, and fair elections are to be critically looked into and addressed because, it is essential for the survival of democracy in any democratic nation around the world.
Nigeria has faced many problems in the electoral process most especially in recent times but, nobody fails to make enquiries into the underlying factors which cause these problems and a means to solve these problems so as to achieve credible, free and fair elections for our democracy to thrive.
The various ways and methods of recruiting, training and remuneration of electoral and election officials as well as its effects on free and fair election in our country. more>>>>
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